[0] 1071 كورنيش النيل - جاردن سيتى, Cairo, Egypt GTC Stands For : Grand Training Center ,We deliver Science !
our vision is to develop & graduate the most power full students in the IT field.
our target is mainly Students of all universities i...
 [0] 12 Abbas El-Akad ,5th floor , Cairo Egypt Mission
To advance health through excellence and innovation in pharmacy education, patient care, research and public services.
Our Vision:
To be the best at bridging gaps in patient care...
 [0] 10 Ghaleb Hammouda,, Cairo, Egypt
 [0] 10 Abd El-Halim El-Nagar St. , Nasr City cairo Egypt ITS will consume all efforts and resources to enhance and coordinate our society with the recent techniques of development and improvement. We will handle the goals of our clients, develop their skil...
 [0] .اكاديميةالتنمية هي احد انشطة مشروع دعم قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدني في مجالات الدعوةوكسب التأييد بإستخدام آليات الاعلام الجديد والذي ينفذه مركز دعم التنميةوالتأهيل المؤسسي DISC بدعم من مبادرة الشراك...
 [0] من نحن: مجموعة من المتطوعين المتخصصين والمعتمدين فى التنمية البشرية والموارد البشرية بجانب مجموعة من التربويين والمرشدين الأسريين والمتخصصين فى الطب النفسي وتحت إشراف علماء متخصصون وبدعم من عدة مؤ...
Nebosh, IOSH, CIEH Accredited Training Provider in Egypt and ME & NA region
Providing ( Nebosh International General Certificate for Occupationa...
 [0] 13 Abdallah Deraz Ard ElGolf-Cairo-Egypt About US
We are reputed professional service providers of value management, Product & System consultancy. We have sun shining expertise in total implementation of Value and Quality Management....
We believe in creating individuals who are always open to any new scheme of thought, have the ability to make sound decisions and who possess qualities of leadership and endurance...
Our Mission:
Increasing human productivity & capabilities through the deployment of the right people in the right place.
Exit Company is a Human Resources consul...
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