02-24509464, 02-26029719, 0101-2235537
43 Saudia Bldgs. St. El Sawah Cairo, Egypt

What We Do
CTC Academy Training centers based in Egypt are independent private training centers. Since languages are the way people can communicate face to face, we qualify you to be an English f...
+2 25167938
42 Nasr St., Elgazaer Square, Maadi cairo Egypt

We develop, organize and implement various conferences, forums and seminars. Periodically, we conduct a Management Conference covering contemporary management concepts affecting organizations’ perfo...
02-33456588 Mobile : 002 012 - 88880611
7 Aboul Mawaheb Square, Agouza Giza Egypt

PETROTRAIN is a fully-integrated Training and Consulting Company, Commercially Registered under License No. (383318).
The company is founded by a group of Consultants, Executives,...
+(202)26 70 26 19 Mobile:+(2010) 10 64 606
27 Samir Abdel Raou'f Street in front of Omer Afendy Makram Ebeid 4th Floor, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Our mission is to provide a highquality training and education services together with consultancy services toour customers who are operating in various professional fields and targeting asuccessful b...
+20 (2) 2516-3582 +20 (10) 0175-4288
9\13 Zahraa El Maadi cairo Egypt

SETTEC is considered today one of the biggest training firms in Egypt and the Arab Region. Its accumulated experience of more than 10 years and a commitment to its key values to strive for customer ...
02 25211002
17 216 St., cairo Maadi Egypt

Simul Train is a Project Management Simulator used in project management training programs. It is a simulation of the planning and execution phases of a medium-sized project.
02-22738645, 02-22738631, 02-22738649, 02-22738643
15 Abdel Razeq El Sanhoury St. Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

الاتحاد العربي لتنمية الموارد البشرية
تسارع الطفرة العلمية نحو إحداث متغيرات سريعة ومتلاحقة على أرض خصبة من التقدم التقني تصب في كافة الإتجاهات وعلى مستوى جميع القطاعات الأمر الذي دفع أصحابت...
0020 235866963

نحن شركة ميك للاستشارات والتدريب نسعىجاهدينلتوفير حلول متكاملة ومبتكرة لعملائنا من خلال الاستفادة من أحدث التقنياتوأفضلالممارسات والمعايير المعترف بها في الإدارة من خلال معرف...
17 شارع الفريق مدكور أبو العز – عمارات الشركةالسعودية Cairo مدينة نصر Egypt