أول موقع عربي يناقش تجديد طرق التعليم بتفعيل و دمج الوسائل التكنولوجية المتطورة و أساليب التدريس الحديثة
Company Overview
أكاديمية التعليم الالكتروني و التدري...

Our mission
Deliver a learning experience that exceeds the expectations of our trainees
4Trainee Company is specializing in:
- Training in information technology
- Trainin...
002-26714397 Mobile: 01007741468 || 01144498894 || 01094760600
74 ,Abbas Al-Akkad Street Third floor in front of Elshabrawy cairo Egypt

At 8 Gates Education, we are committed to bringing together the most reputed instructors and seekers of genuine added value training with a view to better meet the needs of the largest job market in ...
28D, Magdy Salama St. The New Smart Village Entrance – New Maadi off Autostrad Road

تأهيل كوادر متميزة قادرة على المنافسة في سوق العمل بكفاءة عالية وذلك من خلال بيئة تدريبية وتعليمية مثالية تراعي متطلبات الجودة في التدريب .
35839960 - 01068808401 - 01068808402 - 0108808406
459 شارع الهرم ، نصر الدين بجوار النساجون الشرقيون الجيزة

A2zegypt is an Information Technology (IT) and business process services provider. A2zegypt offers a broad range of services from IT strategy setting and IT consultancy through systems...
Phone 002- 26706205 - 01145505918

AB & Associates
is a regional Management Consulting Operation/Firm with its Headquarters in Cairo, Egypt and operating in most of the Middle East Countries.
Through its ten years of existe...
(+202) 2290 35 66 / 2290 35 88
12 El Shahid Mohamed Abdel Hady St , Ard El Golf cairo Egypt

is a consulting firm specialized in providing organizations with practical solutions to their management problems maximizing benefits , meanwhile out of potential business opportunities through ...
+2 2705 8636 | +2 2753 8337
60 Rd 261 , New Maadi cairo Egypt

ACTE For training and Information Technology was the main Sponsor for the great project (EUE) Egyptian Universities Events Guide which will be the first and the biggest Website that collect all stud...
011 901 757 4/6/7 - 0225328243
12 A Abdel Aziz El-Dreny El-Basha Square,El Manial Cairo Egypt

Our mission:
to provide a high quality training and education services together with consultancy services to our customers who are operating in various professional fields and t...
0109 052 1001 - 010000 717 92- 02 2 26 28 755
34 El Obour buildings , Salah salem st. In front of El Fangry Bridge, 9th floor

Company Overview
An enterprise solution provider since 1998, 2B Systems is a dynamiccompany supplying ERP solutions to small, mediumand manufacturing enterprises. By providing ERP solu...
+202 2275 0780 +202 2670 0430
3 Abu Dawood El-Zahery St Cairo Nasr City Egypt