At 8 Gates Education, we are committed to bringing together the most reputed instructors and seekers of genuine added value training with a view to better meet the needs of the largest job market in ...
28D, Magdy Salama St. The New Smart Village Entrance – New Maadi off Autostrad Road

AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa.
Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in...
In Egypt:19263; Outside Egypt: +20-2-19263
38 Mohie El Din Abou El Ezz Street, Dokki cairo Egypt

ASK is a professional Training & Consulting company that provides Training Programs and Technical Solutions, and interactive multimedia instruction and training to a diverse gov...
010 51 444 74 - 015 160 356 91 - (202) 26445739
Heliopoles, Cairo, Egypt

Who are we?
Bayan for Human Development is a Non Profit organization specialized in offering quality training courses and workshops for charity.
Our Vision
To be the first Egyptia...
+2 0122 190 190 4
Library Hall, Masjid Al-Sedik, Sheraton Buildings, Cairo, Egypt.

At Career Management Clinic we see career counseling, career development
and job matching as an integrated process rather than random separate activities.
This was the trigger for us to develop a ...
(+202) 33361868 - 33361929 mob:(+2) 018-4405054
14 Abdul Monem Reyad St. 5th Floor # 11, El Mohandseen, Giza, Egypt

Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has evolved from one man's belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide. We focus on giving people in...
02 2970 1097
59 A Zahraa El Maadi Towers Zahraa El Maadi cairo Egypt

Deep Impact Coaching Egypt
DeepImpact is an integrated people development solutionscompany based in Cairo, Egypt. Consists of a team of highly certifiedprofessionals;
DeepImpact is diffe...
(02-22875103) +201140660708
98 Ahmed ElZomor Street, Nasr City cairo Egypt

About Edge
A Word from Edge Founder
“Edge for Training and Consultancy is founded to help organizations to achieve their strategic goals and be a part of their success.
We take pride i...
02 24934698

In the past three decades the education in Egypt had deteriorate greatly, which effect at the efficiency of the GDP of the manpower, hence aggravate the unemployment problem sharply, drive many youn...
0111 370 6650
26 Nour El Din Bahgat - Makram Ebeid St , Nasr City, 11511

EMEND is a leading firm in Egypt providing professional services including Project Management, Training, Consultancy in addition to Valuation and other related activities essential for improving the ...
+202 2404 2872 | +202 2404 2873 |+2010 906 8015 +2017 6400337
5 El Yarmouk St., off Abbas El Akkad St. Nasr City Cairo Egypt