We help business leaders achieve greater results through effectively inspiring and motivating their organizations. We help leaders develop and enhance their skills through fun and prof...
(+202) 3338 7955 , (+202) 3762 6399 (+2) 010 2104 3164
11 Zainab Kamel Hassan St (El-Nahda St.) 1st Floor, Dokki- Giza

One year with excellent growth in diversified industries pharmaceutical, oil/gas and FMCG
Assets founded with the belief that establishing a learning community in Egyptians culture is...
+203 5848128 | 0100 735 100
Mokhtar Abd El Halim ST., Saba Pasha, Swiss embassy Alexandria Egypt

Career Advice and Coaching established in 2011, as the first leading company in providing professional career advice, coaching, recruitment services and varieties of learning solutions in Egypt. ...
Tel : 02 – 35685998 Mobile : 0100-8659756 / 0111-7893027
408 El Haram st. 4th Floor , App.(32) Gîza Egypt

At Career Management Clinic we see career counseling, career development
and job matching as an integrated process rather than random separate activities.
This was the trigger for us to develop a ...
(+202) 33361868 - 33361929 mob:(+2) 018-4405054
14 Abdul Monem Reyad St. 5th Floor # 11, El Mohandseen, Giza, Egypt

Deep Impact Coaching Egypt
DeepImpact is an integrated people development solutionscompany based in Cairo, Egypt. Consists of a team of highly certifiedprofessionals;
DeepImpact is diffe...
(02-22875103) +201140660708
98 Ahmed ElZomor Street, Nasr City cairo Egypt

Field Sons Oil Services FSOS is a standard established Oil & Gas Services company, our intention is to apply the known standard for oil and gas services, to satisfy our knowledgeable and highly sk...
(00202) 252 18 468 - 252 18 469 Direct: (00202) 252 18 470 Fax : (00202) 252 18 674 Mobile: (
59 Zahraa El Maadi Buildings Cairo Egypt

In a changing world in which today differs greatly from yesterday, especially if we mention the business world in which the second counts, the importance of human capital management have increased a...
+20 2 23807005 - +20 10 10504571
44 El Sharifa Dina Cairo Maadi Egypt

Empowering the employment market with quality skilled labour by different tools and techniques as:
1. Developing and disseminating state-of-art training courses
2. ...

We provide training services as supplementary to our consultation services . Usually consultation packages include orientation training and other supportive training packages which are designed for...
+2 - 0111 360 55 33
Post Box # 112 Sheikh Zayed Post Office, 6th of October, Giza, Egypt

Transpiral empowers clients by providing them with the knowledge, tools and support to make your passions come to life. Our philosophy is that change can be transformation...