We operate under EpiscoCare - an NGO of the Episcopal Church of Egypt. We are located in Maadi - suburb of Cairo.
Weave a vision of showing God's love by empowering individuals who other...
20 2 25267017
Building 18 , Road 162A ,Hadayek al Maadi cairo Egypt

Field Sons Oil Services FSOS is a standard established Oil & Gas Services company, our intention is to apply the known standard for oil and gas services, to satisfy our knowledgeable and highly sk...
(00202) 252 18 468 - 252 18 469 Direct: (00202) 252 18 470 Fax : (00202) 252 18 674 Mobile: (
59 Zahraa El Maadi Buildings Cairo Egypt

PETROTRAIN is a fully-integrated Training and Consulting Company, Commercially Registered under License No. (383318).
The company is founded by a group of Consultants, Executives,...
+(202)26 70 26 19 Mobile:+(2010) 10 64 606
27 Samir Abdel Raou'f Street in front of Omer Afendy Makram Ebeid 4th Floor, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

SETTEC is considered today one of the biggest training firms in Egypt and the Arab Region. Its accumulated experience of more than 10 years and a commitment to its key values to strive for customer ...
02 25211002
17 216 St., cairo Maadi Egypt

TATWEER is a highly successful training company specializing
in corporate training markets.
We run approximately 1500 high quality public seminars
per year in areas such as; ...
(+20111) 3190060
9 (El Omaraa Bldg.) 10th Floor,Orabi Square, El Manchia Alexandria Egypt

نحن شركة ميك للاستشارات والتدريب نسعىجاهدينلتوفير حلول متكاملة ومبتكرة لعملائنا من خلال الاستفادة من أحدث التقنياتوأفضلالممارسات والمعايير المعترف بها في الإدارة من خلال معرف...
17 شارع الفريق مدكور أبو العز – عمارات الشركةالسعودية Cairo مدينة نصر Egypt