is a Professionally specialized training centre interested in convenient and practical training programs preparing candidates for application to the Foreign Medical Certificates Exami...
+202/37612130 - +201/064861390
66 Gameet Aldowal Alarabia St. 9th floor, Mohandessen Giza Egypt

Software EngineeringCompetence Center (SECC)
is a governmental entity.Its mission is tosupport the development of the software industry in Egypt by improving thesoftware engineering practice...
(202) 35345000, 35345246, 35345208
B121 Smart Village, ITIDA Building k 28 giza Egypt

SETTEC is considered today one of the biggest training firms in Egypt and the Arab Region. Its accumulated experience of more than 10 years and a commitment to its key values to strive for customer ...
02 25211002
17 216 St., cairo Maadi Egypt

SharePoint Egypt is a community group contributes about Microsoft SharePoint Products which are related to Document Management,Web Content Management, Collaboration, and Enterprise Search Solutio...
+2 01063008167

Shift Training Center was established in 2011 as a specialized Computer Aided Design, training company. Today, we offer a complete solution for CAD design, including Autodesk software, training, s...
(+2) 01000 187 800 (+2) 0100 516 83 67
7 Al Khalifa Al Amer St., 7th District, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

Shift Vision is Egyptian IT, software development and training company. Incorporated in 2009 and headquartered in Cairo.
Shift Vision has taught its distinctive, non-traditional training...
(+202)22613831 - (+2)01012259990
5th Ahmed Kassem st. from Abbas El Akkad, flat 6 floor 2 ,Nasr City cairo Egypt

Smart Learning for Languages & computer Courses
Languages : English - French -German -Italian -Spanish -Greek
Computer :Icdl-Ic3 -Office -Graphics -Advanced Courses...
01116172910 / 02-22612553
46 شارع ذاكر حسين - الدور الثالث - الحي السابع - مدينة نصر, القاهرة مصر

Smile way continuing Dental Education will work as hard as possible to improve the scientific and clinical skills of dentist and dental team members.
188 the 5th district - vodafone square - in front of oriental weavers Cairo 6th of october city Egypt

اكاديميه سموحة للتأهيل و التدريب الجهه المتخصصة الأولى فى مصروالشرق الأوسط المرخصة من الوزارة بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم 62 والقرار رقم 73 تحتاشراف جامعة القاهرة مركز خدمة المجتمع ووزارة الخارجية والع...

Step Forward group is an activity in which we help you to Speak English fluently like a native speaker by practicing English with natives(American-& British).
Step Forward is consists of 8 levels...
Mob: 01145651058.
El-manial ,109 El-manial street 1st floor ,in front of taxes building and beside faculty of oral and dental medicine Cairo, university, Cairo ,Egypt .