.اكاديميةالتنمية هي احد انشطة مشروع دعم قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدني في مجالات الدعوةوكسب التأييد بإستخدام آليات الاعلام الجديد والذي ينفذه مركز دعم التنميةوالتأهيل المؤسسي DISC بدعم من مبادرة الشراك...

كورسات التنمية البشرية و البرمجة اللغوية العصبية المعتمدة دوليا
منح ودورات تنمية بشرية مخفضة ومجانية للتأهيل لسوق العمل
برنامج التنمية البشرية تدريب المدربين TOT - بشهادات معتمدة ...

Nile University is a not-for-profit, privately-owned and autonomously-managed institution of higher learning. It is the first in a new class of academic institutions in Egypt that embraces partnersh...
+20 2 3534 2114 / 2106 / 2090
Nile University - Smart Village - B2 - Km 28 , Cairo-Alex Desert Rd - Giza 12677, Egypt.

NHC is headquartered in London. The college specialises in further/higher education and vocational training. The exceptional breadth of vocational training choices together with the rapidly-expanding...
(+203) 5429617
117, Ahmed Shawky ST. Mohamed Mahfouz Station, ALEXANDRIA

NTI is considered the main center for the introduction of the most updated means of training for those employed in the field of health care all over Egypt where the state-of-the-art technology is used...
( 202 ) 24053652 - 24053654 - 24053649
Mamdouh Salem St., (Beside Cairo International Fair Grounds - Gate 2 )Nasr City cairo Egypt

Open Vision Training is a training company founded by very talented and enthusiastic engineers and language experts. We believe we can change the training in Egypt.
Our Slogan
011 27 57 01 57 - 0226 70 18 22
50 Ahmed Hassen Elzayat St, 7th District, Nasr City. cairo Egypt

Since 1998, Orascom Training & Technology, a Summit Company was established to provide quality information and communication technology (ICT) education and certification services to the market.
22563322 | 22563399 Hotline : 19587
End Of Nasr City Road - Katameya Tunnel - Investment Area cairo Egypt

منذانطلاقها في عام 2003، تسعى شركة أوركيدا للبرمجيات (ذ.م.م) إلى أن توفر لعملائهاكل جديد في الحلول التعليمية المتكاملة لتعلم اللغات الأجنبية. وقد تمكنت أوركيدامن تطوير معايير جديدة في مجال حلول تعلم...
55 ب عمارة الدهب - كورنيش النيل - المعادي 10/13 العروبة - المعادي الجديدة القاهرة مصر

About Orkanza
Orkanza is a global management consulting, technology services, human resources and outsourcing specialized company. Combining unparalleled high level of experience, comprehen...

Oxford Academy was established in 2010 to participate in the development of Egypt and the Middle East.
Description: Oxford Academy was established in 2010 to participate in the development o...
383 28113 Mobile: 012 783 3383 / 014 445 0454 / 014 445 0456
Villa 78D Street No. 1 5th District 6th of October Egypt