Mar-28-2012 by Training Egypt SU
Software EngineeringCompetence Center (SECC)
is a governmental entity.Its mission is tosupport the development of the software industry in Egypt by improving thesoftware engineering practices to higher maturity levels and achieving a strongglobal market presence. The Ministry of Communication & InformationTechnology established the center in June 2001.
SECC joined to ITIDA (Information Technology Industry Development Agency ) which is a governmentalentity that has been established through Law 15 of the year 2004.
Software Engineering Institute SEI
in the USA accepted Software EngineeringCompetenceCenter (SECC) as an SEI - Strategic Partner in recognition of SECCcapacity and achievements since established. This approval authorizes SECC todeliver CMMI courses andprovide appraisal (assessment) services commerciallyworldwide except in USA.
In November 2006, SECC extendedits partnership with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)of Carnegie MellonUniversity in the USA to teach SEI's Personal Software Process (PSP) trainingcourses, launch and coach SEI's Team Software