Markedu.com is your one-stop-shop for all your marketing inspiration and educational needs. You can pick and chose between various types of marketing educational and inspirational programs ranging ...

Master Linux is one of the pioneering companies in the ME region working in IT field Software based on Linux & Open Source. Master Linux provide Open Source Consultancy Are you looking for exter...
+020 111 352 2632 +022 291 8487
8 El Marwa Towers , Nabil Elwakad st , 8th floor Heliopolis , Cairo, Egypt

"MEDAD" for Training & Development
01110440934 01005001064

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Company Overview
Bankingjobs at the entry level often required a Banking background, skills, trainingand courses in many subjects. We are MIDDLE EAST BANKERS a MultinationalRecruitment and Tanni...
+202 22730037 - +202 22743828 mobile: 01122249900

Our mission is to be known to every one who is eager to learn and succeed in his business.
Not another training center....
In the world of professionals, ther...
02-26720161 / 02-22757590 / 01017500855 / 010-12233357 / 010-12233358 / 01020038400
32 Ahmed Fakhry St. Off Nasr Road Cairo Nasr City Egypt

MisrLearn is one of Egypt's Premier education and training centers, established in 2002 and is located in Heliopolis. It is a growing IT training institute determined to set very high standard...
(16426) 202-26435835 202-26322699 202-26328618 2010-2567041
8 El Khalifa Al Mansour st., Safeer sq., Heliopolis Cairo Egypt

Mitsco is the first translation company to receive the European Union’s certificate EN 15038 in quality translation. Mitsco is the largest translation company in Egypt with 25 full-time professiona...
02-22740749, 02-22702039, 02-22723075, 02-22753001
54 Mostafa El Nahas St. 6th Zone, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

an Egyptian company established in 2010, specialized in providing Business event management and planning services to organizations of all types. We support organizations in any ...
Tel./ Fax: 202-23807892 - Mobile: 0101780123
6 Street 81, Maadi Cairo Maadi Egypt

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مصطفى نمرة هي شركة للاستشارات والتدريب ، والتي تغطي جميع المقررات ذات الصلة لسوق الأوراق الم...
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