Step Up is proud to announce for its new open programs that allow individuals to attend wide range of training courses through professional academic & experienced trainers.
Whether ...
Tel.: +(202) 247 18 970 +(202) 247 18 973 Mob.: 0109 923 1490 0106 019 3080
29 AL-Tawfiqeya Buildings - 8th District-zone11 - 2nd Floor, Nasr City Cairo Egypt

Our mission is to improve the skills and the performance of our candidates, putting them on the right track to an exceptional career. Our courses and training programs aim at graduating a ...
Phone 01511171271 -- (03) 4285540
Steps Training Center 38 Masged Hatem ST.Smouha,behind modeeryet el amn Alexandria Egypt

Strategic Vision Ltd
Is a fast growing company (Started Jan. 2007) that serves key accounts in different market segments. The company offers a wide array of products and services in training ...
02 22703746 Mobile: 02 0100 3423482
22 Mohamed El Nady St, Off Hassan El Ma’mon , Nasr City,Cairo

Training and Business Solutions
SUMMIT Mission:-
SUMMIT provides various, relevant, and high-quality business training programsand opportunities for cultural, intellectual an...
+2022725584 - +2-01111687333
34 Mohamed El-Nady St., off Mustafa El-Nahas St., Nasr City, Cairo, 34 Mohamed El-Nady St., off Mustafa El-Nahas St., Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt,

تعرف معنا على أحدث الأساليب العلميهوأفضل المنح والفرص فى دورات التنميه البشريه أول بأول فمعنا تتعلم وبكل الحبوالمتعة وتنمى مهاراتك وترتقى وانت فى أى مكان وفى أى وقت وبأمتع الأساليب العلميةالمصحوبة با...
0233869706 - 01227369855 - 01063431453- 01121228755
شارع العريش مبنى رقم ( 1 ) أعلى معرض حلوان للأثاث متفرع من شارع الملك فيصل – منطقة الطوابق الجيزة مصر

لم تعُد تتلخص التنمية في تحقيق الزيادة في حجم الدخل القومي أو الفردي ، إنها تتضمن اعتبارات أكثرَ إلحاحًا من تلك الاعتبارات التي يتضمنها مفهوم «النمو» كإنجاز تغيرات أساسية نحو الأفض...
22738631 02 002- 22738649 02 002- 22738645 02 002
15 ش عبد الرازق السنهوري عباس العقاد - مدينة نصر القاهرة

Simul Train is a Project Management Simulator used in project management training programs. It is a simulation of the planning and execution phases of a medium-sized project.
02-22738645, 02-22738631, 02-22738649, 02-22738643
15 Abdel Razeq El Sanhoury St. Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Welcome to Tarakeeb Training official website. It’s our place to keep in touch, gather from time to time, serve you -our beloved customer- and host others to be.
Tarakeeb started offering train...
+202 33448670
5 Awad Amer from Wadi El Nil, El Mohandeseen Giza Egypt

About Us
TASK is a training firm in the fields of Supply chain ,Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Project Management, Financial Management, professional management and interpersonal skills; ...
+2 0100 210 9276- +202 22619313
35 El-Obour Buildings , Salah Salem St. , 16th Floor. Cairo Heliopolis Egypt

TATWEER is a highly successful training company specializing
in corporate training markets.
We run approximately 1500 high quality public seminars
per year in areas such as; ...
(+20111) 3190060
9 (El Omaraa Bldg.) 10th Floor,Orabi Square, El Manchia Alexandria Egypt