To create, shape, nurture and empower the Egyptian IT community, by developing and disseminating state-of-the-art training processes on forefront applications and programs.
Smart Village - Building B1- 48 6th of october Egypt

Empowering the employment market with quality skilled labour by different tools and techniques as:
1. Developing and disseminating state-of-art training courses
2. ...

About ITS
ITS will consume all efforts andresources to enhance and coordinate our society with the recent techniques ofdevelopment and improvement. We will handle the goals of our clients, deve...
Telephone: (02) 226 195 77 Mobile: (+2) 011 012 2780
10 Abd El-Halim El-Nagar St. Cairo Nasr City Egypt

ITSM Computer Learning Center is expanding its resources and facilities to become one of the largest IT Education organizations in the region
2 first of may,awel abbas akad ,Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

- Welcome to Jelecom
Jelecom is an independent training network specialized in introducing world class professional technical training programs to the following sectors.
1- Students T...
28, 26 July Street cairo Egypt

About Us
Knowledge Training CenterKNOWLEDGE is one of the leading learning and development organizations in Egypt. Our hands-on training solutions transform people to a sustainable compet...
Mobile : +20100 0097 229 Tel: +202 23054759 – 24140203
14 Ramo Gardens, intersection of El-Nasr Road with Omar Ebn El-khatab st Cairo Egypt

Creative Studio and Training Center,
Who are the Kozmans?
Kozmans are a group of experts in different fields, teamed up to provide creative services and practical training in one of a kind ex...
02 26324642
175 El-Nozha Street El-Higaz Square - Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

LANDMARK is established as a unique, distinctive & one-of-a-kind management consultation enterprise; specialized to serve the management & business societies in the Middle East & North ...
+202 26359630 / 0122170338
14 Mahmoud kotb st., Mahkama, Helioplolis, Cairo

About Lane
View the I AM Lane Community College Video
The goal of Lane Community College is to help students achieve their dreams and transform lives through learning. The faculty and ...
Building 1 Lane Community College 4000 East 30th Ave.

LEAD for Training and Development is a company specialized in teaching all life skills .
Our Mission: To help you learn the practical and simple skills you need to excel your career and ev...
01149994904, or 01149994905
24 Mohamed Refaat street, el nozha el gedida