رسالتنا :
أكاديمية المجتمع المدني بوابة إليكترونيه تعمل لبناء مجتمع مدني فاعل ومؤثر في التنمية والتحولالديمقراطي وضمان حقوق الأفراد والمؤسسات من خلال تقديم برامج عن بعد e-learning والاستشار...

What We Do
CTC Academy Training centers based in Egypt are independent private training centers. Since languages are the way people can communicate face to face, we qualify you to be an English f...
+2 25167938
42 Nasr St., Elgazaer Square, Maadi cairo Egypt

The International Center for Training and Quality of Services (CTQS) established as an academic center that recruits a selection of the most prominent experts specialized in providing technical and ...
+2 019 999 9732
Villa No. 50 El Hay El Thany, El Manteka El Khamsa, El Teseen St., Opposite to the Air Force Hospital- El Tagamoh El Khams – El Kahira El Gadida, Cairo Gov., Egypt.

Study English with native teachers and CEF's Curriculum. And enjoy our interactive way of teaching
It's an Educational institution that has been established in May, 2011. Wit...
0111 770 7117 - 0122 149 5942
5 Hussin Al-Sadeak off Mouhamed El-Mekled St. off Moustafa Elnahas Street (beside Elmanhal school), Nasr City, Egypt

هى منشأة أكاديميةتعمل فىمجال تطوير أبحاث الكمبيوتر وتطبيقاتها فىشتى المجالات متبنية فكرا جزئيا
إن الذى يقوم بتطويرمشروعاتها هو فريق عمل متميز مكون من العناصر المتميزة من المتدربينلديها ....
35835750-35836939-3583652 01283326865 - 01001698661 01112563366
مبنى 17 شارع جعفر مطبعة البنك المركزى التعاون الهرم القاهرة

Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has evolved from one man's belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide. We focus on giving people in...
02 2970 1097
59 A Zahraa El Maadi Towers Zahraa El Maadi cairo Egypt

Deep Impact Coaching Egypt
DeepImpact is an integrated people development solutionscompany based in Cairo, Egypt. Consists of a team of highly certifiedprofessionals;
DeepImpact is diffe...
(02-22875103) +201140660708
98 Ahmed ElZomor Street, Nasr City cairo Egypt

We recognize that SME's special requirements are very different from those of large enterprises and we think, we can make IT works.
Having the experience and the understanding for several indus...
+ (202) 22 635 154 mob: + (20) 10 733 6767
Abbas El-Akkad, Behind Sheikh El-Balad Building (30th), 1th floor, Nasr City Cairo Egypt

Diwan is the first specialized day center in Egypt aiming to support people who have transient or long-standing psychological difficulties by creating an inte...
29850106 – 29850107 – 0101364754
7152 - , Cairo, Egypt St. 81 Cairo Mokattam Egypt

About DM
We recognize that SME's special requirements are very different from those of large enterprises and we think, we can make IT works.
Having the experience and...
T +202 22635154 M +201118001972
30 th Mostafa Hammam, off Abbas El-Akkad st., Behind Sheikh El-Balad Restaurant, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Cairo Nasr City Egypt