About Us
Knowledge Training CenterKNOWLEDGE is one of the leading learning and development organizations in Egypt. Our hands-on training solutions transform people to a sustainable compet...
Mobile : +20100 0097 229 Tel: +202 23054759 – 24140203
14 Ramo Gardens, intersection of El-Nasr Road with Omar Ebn El-khatab st Cairo Egypt

We exist to help نسعد بمساعدتك
الارتقاء بالمستوي التدريبي للمتدربين باستخدام وسائل تدريبية حديثة لتسهيل العملية التدريبية
02 26387589 - 01007880786 - 01111159230
35 شارع إسماعيل رمزي من شارع الحجاز أمام الميريلاند مصر الجديدة – القاهرة

" M.A.T " is one of the Egypt's Premier educations and training centers, founded in 2008 located in Nasr City, it is growing IT Training Institute determined to set High standards in the...
Tel : (202) 24172666 – 24159333- (202) 42181815 - 23054584
14 Ramo Gardens CIB Building, intersection of El-Nasr Road with OmarEbnElkhatab st., in front of City Stars, beside Dar El Harb El Elktronyah, Cairo Nasr City Egypt

Our office established in 1998 MABCOEGYPT office a group of partners experienced to provide professional services in the areas of financial accounting, external audit, internal audit, tax, and forma...
+202 0224851933 Mobile +2 01206514801 - 01012786804
7 El-Sharif - Abbassia - Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt 5 St. Toukhi Hassan Radi - Agouza - Cairo - Arab Republic of Egypt

كورسات التنمية البشرية و البرمجة اللغوية العصبية المعتمدة دوليا
منح ودورات تنمية بشرية مخفضة ومجانية للتأهيل لسوق العمل
برنامج التنمية البشرية تدريب المدربين TOT - بشهادات معتمدة ...

About Orkanza
Orkanza is a global management consulting, technology services, human resources and outsourcing specialized company. Combining unparalleled high level of experience, comprehen...

A leading and highly developed company that is aiming to lead the industry of Business Development Outsourcing services delivery & Human Resources Management.
We are mainly specialized ...

SETTEC is considered today one of the biggest training firms in Egypt and the Arab Region. Its accumulated experience of more than 10 years and a commitment to its key values to strive for customer ...
02 25211002
17 216 St., cairo Maadi Egypt

Strategic Vision Ltd
Is a fast growing company (Started Jan. 2007) that serves key accounts in different market segments. The company offers a wide array of products and services in training ...
02 22703746 Mobile: 02 0100 3423482
22 Mohamed El Nady St, Off Hassan El Ma’mon , Nasr City,Cairo

Training and Business Solutions
SUMMIT Mission:-
SUMMIT provides various, relevant, and high-quality business training programsand opportunities for cultural, intellectual an...
+2022725584 - +2-01111687333
34 Mohamed El-Nady St., off Mustafa El-Nahas St., Nasr City, Cairo, 34 Mohamed El-Nady St., off Mustafa El-Nahas St., Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt,