About Us
To provide innovative training and HR consultancy services by continually exceeding customer expectations.
To provide high quality, cost eff...
+202 22918857/ +202 24148043 +202 24183304 - +20 114452254 / +20 174913412
18 Mohamed Ebied St., El Sabaa Emarat, Heliopolis Cairo Egypt

A hint about CHA
Time is very important to each and every one of us, you can spend your spare time doing something either useful or fun, but only with Charles Hamilton Academy your spare time...
0102898111 - 0112098666 - 0112098777 - 02-37609697
2 El Mesaha St. Dokki, Giza, Egypt

Chicago Institute of Business’s mission is to provide a superior practical business education to the most promising and highly motivated talent whether recent graduates or experienced. Our programs ...
34 Street 106 Cairo Maadi Egypt

Compusoft Academy
Learning orgnization
We develop your theoretical knowledge of highly skilled workforce and your problem-solving and analytical skills, while enabling you...
202 37493513 Mob: 20 100865401
139a, Al Tahrir St, Dokki, Cairo

Comfori was founded in the United States of America to provide superior consulting services within America and United Kingdom. Under the able leadership of Ms. Barbara St. Onge, Comfori Internationa...
(603) 5621 3630
E-02-03, East Wing, Subang Square Business Centre, Jalan SS15/4G, Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan 47500 Malaysia

Computek Overview
Computek Training Center is an affiliated company of Omega integrated Systems Company that was established in 1991 to serve the market in three main categories:
202 333 70 280 - 20237623867
5 El Mesaha Square , Dokki cairo Egypt

What We Do
CTC Academy Training centers based in Egypt are independent private training centers. Since languages are the way people can communicate face to face, we qualify you to be an English f...
+2 25167938
42 Nasr St., Elgazaer Square, Maadi cairo Egypt

The International Center for Training and Quality of Services (CTQS) established as an academic center that recruits a selection of the most prominent experts specialized in providing technical and ...
+2 019 999 9732
Villa No. 50 El Hay El Thany, El Manteka El Khamsa, El Teseen St., Opposite to the Air Force Hospital- El Tagamoh El Khams – El Kahira El Gadida, Cairo Gov., Egypt.

Company Brief :
EAAC Group for Training& Consultancy was found in February 1996. It's one of the leading training companies in Egypt with a dedicated team...
03 -5908988/03- 5908977
146, Omar Lotfy st, Sporting EL-soughra station Alexandria Egypt

رسالة المركز الأوروبي:
تقديم خدمات تدريبية واستشارية عالية الجودة ، من خلال منظومةمتكاملة من أحدث البرامج التدريبية وآليات تنفيذها المعتمدة وفقاً للمعاييرالعالمية ، بالإضافة إلى تنظيم الندو...
شارع عبدالحميد نافع- خلف ستاد دمياط دمياط مصر