Published by Training Egypt SU
First Aid & CPR
(Primary & Secondary Care)
الإسعافات الأولية والإنعاش القلبي الرئوي
(الرعاية الأولية والثانوية)
This seminar aims at training people in different places, jobs, activities, age groups, and risk situations to deal with accidents in order to prevent the occurrence of deaths or chronic problems of the injured or affected personnel.
These accidents are not necessarily limited to trauma, but it also includes the response to poisoning, burns, animal and insect bites, drowning, shock, chalking, fevers, etc.
Are you certified? If not, then why not?
These programs are excellent for teaching you how to respond in emergency situations and can save lives. The knowledge you gain during the certification process can be valuable. If you care for children or elderly people, or spend time at a gym, you should consider getting CPR/AED certified.
What is CPR?
• Stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
• Performed on people suffering cardiac arrest.
• Provides a continuous flow of oxygen to the lungs and brain until the person regains consciousness.
Why CPR is important?
• The brain can only survive about five minutes without oxygen, after which time permanent damage is done.
• You are upping a chance of a full recovery by performing CPR.
• You are potentially saving a life!