Published by Training Egypt SU
Get Boredfrom session based training and old fashion workshops?
Try our Hands on training
Enhance your teaminnovation, problem solving skills, communication, teamwork and performanceusing hands on workshops using LEGO robotics and engineering hands on projectsa new way of effective training.
Based on research thatshows that hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningfulunderstanding of the world and its possibilities, Source: LEGO®

A series of hands onworkshops using LEGO where employees work on teams to build their roboticsproject, the hands on experience will help your employees jump out of the boxand use their hand and imagination to develop their mental skills and changetheir prospect to problems, solutions, employees, customers, etc.
For Cairo, Alexandria andother citiies Corporate Training details, please contact us at:
Ideas Gym is an innovativeeducational and training company that uses technology to enhance human skillsand performance through hands on experiences.