Published by Training Egypt SU

When you walk out of your next interview -- will you feel elated aboutlanding the dream job that's going to advance your career, allow you to focuson your passions, and provide you with the pay check and lifestyle you want foryourself and your family?
Toprepare Non-Human-Resources Professionals to conduct interviews and select thebest candidates for their teams.
Themain purpose of job analysis is to show you how to analyze a job and write jobdescription. We’ll see that analyzing jobs involves determining in detail whatthe job entails and what kind of people the firm should hire for the job.
Basic features of interviews
Types of interviews
- Selection interview
- Personal or individual interview
- unstructured sequential interview
- structured sequential interview
- panel interview
- mass interview
- Appraisal interview
- Exit interview
Planning and preparing the interview
- Steps for planning an interview
- Review the résumé
- Think of possible questions the candidate might ask
- Write lead questions
- Plan your agenda
- Prepare the environment