Oct-16-2012 by Training Egypt SU
GEC's goal is to satisfy the needs of the client. Success validates our existence.
GEC's loyalty to the client demands uncompromising confidentiality.
GEC shall perform services using a hands-on team approach to solution consulting that is a proven asset for achieving high quality results and long lasting client relationships..
“GEC's vision is to earn the trust and respect of all client organizations by providing innovative, effective and successful business solutions. GEC's goal is to form long-lasting, collaborative and mutually rewarding relationships with each and every client in the Gulf Region”
Telephone: (+) 965-2422123 / 2494742 Fascimile: (+) 965-2422124
No. 23, 4th Floor, Arabian Gulf Bldg (Al-Khaleej Al-Arabi), Above Al-Jarra Florist (Al-Soor Street) Near Salhia Complex, Post Box No.: 4473 Hawally KUWAIT zip code 32073. Kuwait City, KUWAIT.