Local Representative Program
Author: Training Egypt SU/Wednesday, September 5, 2012/Categories: Jobs
Welcome To Local Representative Program
VTeam International is now hiring a Local Representative for the Company in his / her Government to spread the Business Concept of the company which is working from home as a freelancer in different fields.
As a VTeam Local Representative you will help us to attract more talented youth to join the new way of working. By training and mentoring talents, you will support them in building a new career online and exploring the opportunities in the Service Providers Cloud.
You will also facilitate VTeam training events (Working through Internet) in order to build a local VTeam community, where people can socialize, network and celebrate the VTeam lifestyle.
Local Representative Tasks
On Facebook Side:
1- Setup a Facebook page to spread Working Through Internet Concept to his/her network.
2- Take Responsibility of sharing new items within our sharing policies, and repost shares from the main VTeam Page to VTeam Page in his/her country.
3- Answer any inquiry or reply on fans comments.
4- Create Event for the next session will take place within his/her zone.
On Land Side:
1- Organize the event through negotiate on a central or semi central training center in his/her zone which will handle the training session.
2- Help youth to register on our forms.
3- Help trainees in completing the registration process on center campus.
4- Build up a team of 2-5 representatives who will be responsible to help you with the tasks.
Local Representative Target
Hold the training one time per month with the followings:
1- The Training will take place once 30 attendees pay the training fees.
2- The Training center will be paid maximum 10 % of the total number of attendees.
3- The Target of the Group should be at least 30 attendees per Month with the following commission basis:
15-20 Attendees ------- 20% per attendee
20-25 Attendees ------- 25% per attendee
25-30 Attendees ------- 30% per attendee
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